GAS,Advertising Management

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Creating a GAS Script to Retrieve Data from Google Analytics GA4


Adding Google Analytics Data API


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This is a method to get operational data such as impressions and conversions of Yahoo Display Ads in a spreadsheet by ...

GAS,Advertising Management

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This will be the way to get the report from your MCC account. can be generated using any of the que ...


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Updated 2/28/2022 to v7.

This is a way to get operational data such as impressions and conversions of Yahoo ads ...


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This is a way to get Google Ads (Google Ads) operational data in a spreadsheet by yourself. Various data such as impr ...


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Reduce the number of getValue() and setValue() in the for loop

The following is a list of things to check when you fee ...


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You can send requests with the UrlFetchApp.fetch method.

Google Apps Script – UrlFetchApp

POST request ...

GAS,Advertising Management

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This is how to get operational data for TikTok ads using GAS (Google Apps Script). The official documentation include ...