【GAS】How to get operational data for TikTok ads

This is how to get operational data for TikTok ads using GAS (Google Apps Script). The official documentation included PHP and Python code, but there was no information on how to use GAS, so we put it together.

Create a TikTok Developer Account as a prerequisite.

This article was adapted from here.

TikTok Marketing API docs

Get APPID in TikTok Developer


Fill in the required information to create an APPID.

Obtain the advertiser’s auth_code

The auth_code is valid for 10 minutes and can only be used once. When the auth_code expires, you must start over and perform the authentication procedure again.

Click on the name of the application you created and copy and paste the “Advertiser authorization URL" to access it.

認証画面が出るので認証をすると、「広告主リダイレクトURL 」にリダイレクトされます。

After authentication, you will be redirected to the “Advertiser Redirect URL".

Generate long-term access token

GAS is used to obtain a long-term access token for generation. The code is as follows

function getAuthCode() {
  const APP_ID = "*********"
  const AUTH_CODE = "**********"
  const PATH = "https://business-api.tiktok.com/open_api/v1.2/oauth2/access_token/";

  let params = {
    secret: SECRET,
    app_id: APP_ID,
    auth_code: AUTH_CODE,

  let options = {
    'method': 'post',
    'contentType': 'application/json',
    'payload': JSON.stringify(params)

  let response = UrlFetchApp.fetch(PATH, options).getContentText();


APP_SECRET : SECRET in APP Basic Information
APP_ID : ID of the created APP
AUTH_CODE : Code you have just obtained

After executing the above, an access token will be issued with the following text in the log screen.

  "message": "OK",
  "code": 0,
  "data": {
    "access_token": "xxxxxxxxxxxxx",
    "scope": [
    "advertiser_ids": [
  "request_id": "2020042715295501023125104093250"

Obtain operational data

The code to obtain operational data is shown below.

class TikTokADS{
    this.PATH           = "https://ads.tiktok.com/open_api/v1.2/reports/campaign/get/";
    this.ACCESS_TOKEN   = op['ACCESS_TOKEN']
    this.getStat        = op['getStat']
    this.advertiser_id  = op['advertiser_id']

  getAdsData() {
    let option = {
      primary_status      : 'STATUS_ALL',
      start_date          : '2021-12-01',
      end_date            : '2021-12-31',
      advertiser_id       : this.advertiser_id,
      fields              : JSON.stringify(this.getStat),
      group_by            : JSON.stringify(['STAT_GROUP_BY_FIELD_STAT_TIME', 'STAT_GROUP_BY_FIELD_ID']),
      page                : 1,
      page_size           : 100,

    let params 
    for (let key in option) {
      params += key + "=" + option[key] + "&"
    let url = encodeURI(this.PATH + "?" + params)

    const httpResponse = UrlFetchApp.fetch(url, {
      method: 'get',
      muteHttpExceptions: true,
      headers: {
        'Access-Token': this.ACCESS_TOKEN,

    let res = JSON.parse(httpResponse)
    let adsData = res["data"]["list"]
    let result = [['stat_datetime','campaign_id','campaign_name',...this.getStat]]

    for (let elm of adsData) {
      let temp = []
      temp.push(new Date(elm['stat_datetime']))
      for (let stat of this.getStat) {
    result = result.sort((a, b) => a[0] - b[0])
    return result

function main(){
    let Tk = new TikTokADS({
    ACCESS_TOKEN  :"*******************************",,
    getStat       :['campaign_name', 'stat_cost', 'show_cnt', 'click_cnt', 'convert_cnt', 'time_attr_view'],    //取得したいデータを設定する
    advertiser_id :"*************************",
  let result = Tk.getAdsData()

  const setSheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().getSheetByName('出力したいシート名')
  setSheet.getRange(1, 1, result.length, result[0].length).setValues(result)


Executing the above will output data to the sheet.

For other advertising, please click here.

